This is a shot of the current "Final" design and postion of the Windmill, which is still subject too change. Took me a few days too model this and sort out a few problems with hidden faces inside the model. I have only the sails too add now, but first need too come up with a final design idea.

Close up shot of the Windmill Prop. The design for the will mill is based off the more metal windmill blades I have been looking at, with a cone shape in the middle, but I have also added a wooden style element too it. With the parts that look slotted in.

A close-up shot of the gear that will connect inside the windmill too the other gears, I may need too change this too fit in with the gears inside, but for now I have added a basic gear just too show where it does connect.

This was the first draft of the prop shaft, but it did have a few problems. Such as hidden faces inside the polygon and vertexs that didn't need too be there. I have yet too flesh it out mainly and add a lot of small details.
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